Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Racial Stereotypes and Food Product Marketing
The images of racial minorities have been used to hawk food for more than a century. Bananas, rice, and pancakes are just some of the food items that have historically been marketed with visages of people of color. Because such items have long been criticized for promoting racial stereotypes, however, the link between race and food marketing remains a touchy subject. When President Obama rose to prominence and Obama Waffles and Obama Fried Chicken made their debut soon after, controversy followed. Once again, an African American was being used to push food, critics said. Take a look around your kitchen. Do any of the items in your cupboards promote racial stereotypes? The list of items below may change your mind about what constitutes a racist food product. Frito Bandito In the age of Dora the Explorer, its difficult to imagine a time when a Latino cartoon character wasnt portrayed as caring, adventurous, and inquisitive, but as sinister. When Frito-Lay rolled out Frito Bandito in 1967, though, thats exactly what happened. The Bandito, the cartoonish mascot for Frito-Lay corn chips, had a gold tooth, a pistol and a penchant for stealing chips. To boot, the Bandito, clad in a huge sombrero and boots with spurs, spoke broken English with a thick Mexican accent. A group called The Mexican-American Anti-Defamation Committee objected to this stereotypical image, causing Frito-Lay to change the Banditos appearance so he did not appear as devious. He became kind of friendly and rascally, but still wanted to heist your corn chips, explained David Segal, who wrote about the character for in 2007. The committee found these changes didnt go far enough and continued campaigning against Frito-Lay until the company removed him from promotional materials in 1971. Uncle Bens Rice The image of an elderly black man has appeared in ads for Uncle Bens Rice since 1946. So, just who exactly is Ben? According to the book Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Rastus: Blacks in Advertising Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Ben was a Houston rice farmer known for his superior crops. When Texas food broker Gordon L. Harwell launched a brand of commercial rice cooked to preserve nutrients, he decided to name it Uncle Bens Converted Rice, after the respected farmer, and use the image of an African-American maitre d he knew to be the face of the brand. On the packaging, Uncle Ben appeared to be a menial type, as suggested by his Pullman Porter-like attire. Moreover, the title Uncle likely derives from the practice of whites addressing elderly African Americans as uncle and aunt during segregation because the titles Mr. and Mrs. were deemed unsuitable for blacks, who were regarded as inferior. In 2007, however, Uncle Ben received a makeover of sorts. Mars, the owner of the rice brand, debuted a website in which Uncle Ben is portrayed as the chairman of the board in a posh office. This virtual facelift was a way for Mars to bring Ben, an outdated racial stereotype of the black man as sharecropper-servant, into the 21st century. Chiquita Bananas Generations of Americans have grown up eating Chiquita bananas. But its not just the bananas they remember fondly, its Miss Chiquita, the comely figure the banana company has used to brand the fruit since 1944. With a sensual swagger and flamboyant Latin American attire, the bilingual Miss Chiquita makes the men swoon, as vintage advertisements of the bombshell demonstrate. Miss Chiquita is widely thought to have been inspired by Brazilian beauty Carmen Miranda who appeared in ads for Chiquita bananas. The actress has been accused of promoting the exotic Latina stereotype because she achieved fame wearing pieces of fruit on her head and revealing tropical clothing. Some critics argue that it’s all the more insulting for a banana company to play into this stereotype because the women, men, and children who worked in banana farms toiled in grueling conditions, often falling gravely ill as a result of pesticide exposure. Land O Lakes Butter Make a trip to the dairy section of your grocery store, and youll find the Native American woman known as the Indian maiden on Land O Lakes butter. How did this woman come to be featured on Land OLakes products? In 1928, officials from the company received a photo of a Native woman with a butter carton in hand as cows grazed and lakes flowed in the background. Because Land O Lakes is based in Minnesota, the home of Hiawatha and Minnehaha, the company reps welcomed the idea of using the maidens image to sell its butter. In recent years, writers such as H. Mathew Barkhausen III, who is of Cherokee and Tuscarora descent, have called the image of the Land O Lakes maiden stereotypical. She wears two braids in her hair, a headdress, and an animal skin frock with beaded embroidery. Also, for some, the maidens serene countenance erases the suffering indigenous peoples have experienced in the United States. Eskimo Pie Eskimo Pie ice cream bars have been around since 1921 when a candy shop owner named Christian Kent Nelson noticed that a little boy couldn’t decide whether to buy a chocolate bar or ice cream. Why not have both available in one confection, Nelson figured. This line of thinking led him to create the frozen treat known then as the â€Å"I-Scream Bar.†When Nelson partnered up with chocolate maker Russell C. Stover, though, the name was changed to Eskimo Pie and the image of an Inuit boy in a parka was featured on the packaging. Today, some indigenous peoples from the arctic regions of North America and Europe object to the name â€Å"Eskimo†in the use of the frozen pies and other sweets, not to mention in society generally. In 2009, for example, Seeka Lee Veevee Parsons, a Canadian Inuit, made newspaper headlines after publicly objecting to references to the Eskimo in the names of popular desserts. She called them â€Å"an insult to her people.†â€Å"When I was a little girl white kids in the community used to tease me about it in a bad way. It’s just not the correct term,†she said of Eskimo. Instead, Inuit should be used, she explained. Cream of Wheat When Emery Mapes of the North Dakota Diamond Milling Company set out in 1893 to find an image to market his breakfast porridge, now called Cream of Wheat, he decided to use the face of a black chef. Still on promotional packaging for Cream of Wheat today, the chefâ€â€who was given the name Rastus, has become a cultural icon, according to sociologist David Pilgrim of Ferris State University. â€Å"Rastus is marketed as a symbol of wholeness and stability,†Pilgrim asserts. â€Å"The toothy, well-dressed black chef happily serves breakfast to a nation.†Not only was Rastus portrayed as subservient but also as uneducated, Pilgrim points out. In a 1921 advertisement, a grinning Rastus holds up a chalkboard with these words: â€Å"Maybe Cream of Wheat aint got no vitamins. I dont know what them things is. If they’s bugs they aint none in Cream of Wheat.†Rastus represented the black man as a child-like, unthreatening slave. Such images of blacks perpetuated the notion that African Americans were content with a separate but (un)equal existence while making Southerners of the time feel nostalgic about the Antebellum Era. Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima is arguably the most well-known minority â€Å"mascot†of a food product, not to mention the longest lasting. Jemima came to be in 1889 when Charles Rutt and Charles G. Underwood created a self-rising flour that the former called Aunt Jemima’s recipe. Why Aunt Jemima? Rutt reportedly got the inspiration for the name after seeing a minstrel show that featured a skit with a Southern mammy named Jemima. In Southern lore, mammies were matronly black female domestics who doted on the white families they served and cherished their role as subordinates. Because the mammy caricature was popular with whites in the late 1800s, Rutt used the name and likeness of the mammy he’d seen in the minstrel show to market his pancake mix. She was smiling, obese, and wore a headscarf fit for a servant. When Rutt and Underwood sold the pancake recipe to the R.T. Davis Mill Co., the organization continued to use Aunt Jemima to help brand the product. Not only did the image of Jemima appear on product packaging, but the R.T. Davis Mill Co. also enlisted real African-American women to appear as Aunt Jemima at events such as the 1893 World’s Exposition in Chicago. At these events, black actresses told stories about the Old South which painted life there as idyllic for both blacks and whites, according to Pilgrim. America ate up the mythical existence of Aunt Jemima and the Old South. Jemima became so popular that the R.T. Davis Mill Co. changed its name to the Aunt Jemima Mill Co. Moreover, by 1910, more than 120 million Aunt Jemima breakfasts were being served annually, Pilgrim notes. Following the civil rights movement, however, black Americans began voicing their objection to the image of a black woman as a domestic who spoke grammatically incorrect English and never challenged her role as servant. Accordingly, in 1989, Quaker Oats, who’d purchased the Aunt Jemima Mill Co. 63 years earlier, updated Jemima’s image. Her head wrap had vanished, and she wore pearl earrings and a lace collar instead of a servant’s clothing. She also appeared younger and significantly thinner. The matronly domestic Aunt Jemima originally appeared as had been replaced by the image of a modern African-American woman. Wrapping Up Despite the progress that’s occurred in race relations, Aunt Jemima, Miss Chiquita, and similar spokes-characters remain fixtures in American food culture. All came to fruition during a time when it was unthinkable that a black man would become president or a Latina would sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. Accordingly, they serve to remind us about the great strides people of color have made over the years. In fact, many consumers likely buy a pancake mix from Aunt Jemima with little idea that the woman on the box was originally a slave prototype. These same consumers likely find it difficult to understand why minority groups object to President Obama’s image on a box of waffles or a recent Duncan Hines cupcake ad that seemed to use blackface imagery. There’s a long tradition in the U.S. of using racial stereotypes in food marketing, but in the 21st century America patience for that kind of advertising has run out.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Henry Of The Second Revolutionary Convention Essay
â€Å"Give me liberty or give me death!†(Richard R. Beeman). This was said by Patrick Henry at the St. John’s church in Richmond, Virginia at the second revolutionary convention. This is one of the most famous quotes of all time, not only did it contribute to the Americans actually making the decision to separate, but it fired the colonist up and stunned the other members at the congress (Avalon Project). Henry was a huge figure against the British, he opposed every act that the British had imposed, and as always pushing for separation from the British. Henry had great arguments and was one of the most influential figures before, during and after the war. Henry was a very successful man, he worked hard for what he wanted to achieve and his hard-working attitude allowed him to help get the Americans involved in striving to achieve their independence and for becoming the great nation that it has become today. He was apart of the Continental Congress and the House of Bur gess as well. Patrick Henry was the most influential citizen of the colonies because of his commitment to the unification of the country, his numerous acts as a patriot, and his acts for establishing a great state now known as Virginia and his contributions to the Declaration of Rights. Henry had a large role in the continental congress before and during the war, Henry at the Second Continental Congress said, â€Å"On May 18, 1775, Henry attended the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Just one month before,Show MoreRelatedCompare And Contrast Patrick Henry And Thomas Jefferson1220 Words  | 5 PagesDeath The revolutionary period was the age of reason. It was the period in time when civilians wanted to take control of their unalienable rights; â€Å"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness†(Jefferson). Both Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson took part in the revolutionary period. They were both leaders that took action to receive independence from Great Britain. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Human resource management in the hotel - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Human resource management in the hotel. Answer: Introduction In a hotel industry, accommodation management is an important factor in hospitality department. Better hospitality sectors invest their maximum amount of money in accommodation sectors. There are some planning companies who made accommodation process a lot easier for hotels. Customers want better-accommodated place and hotels are also trying to improve their infrastructure for better accommodation (Al-Refaie 2015). To ensure good travel experience, a better accommodation process and infrastructure is needed from hotels. Budget is the main factor of this accommodation process and management needs to invest a large amount of money for this accommodation process. Front office management is one of the important departments liable for better accommodation process. In this proposal role, task and functions of front office department has been discussed. There are some roles of customers and positive experiences are also highlighted in this proposal. Role of accommodation manager and viabili ty of outsourcing also discussed in this proposal. Roles, task and functions Front Office Department Role Front office department is one of the important sections of hotel as the managerial formation and functions are started from this place. Accommodation, booking, room changing and all other room facilities are initiated by the front office department. In most of the cases customers want a particular room and willing to pay extra amount of money, in such cases, front office department takes this initiative to allocate this room (Ahmad and Scott 2014). Accommodation managing like hotel policies, housekeeping maintenance, reservation of rooms and reception segmentation are the basic roles in front office department. Communication, dealing mentality, accountability, relationship maintenance, understanding the need for customers and monitoring all the departments of a hotel are the prime functions for front office department. Front office executives are handling people and operate the whole system of thehotel. There are phone bookings, internet bookings and even message bookings available (Benavides-Velasco, Quintana-Garca and Marchante-Lara 2014). So front office executives need to track that. Hotel goodwill, fame customer satisfaction and approaching a customer are the major aspects that a customer sees in a designated hotel. To acquire a good amount of customers for their hotel, infrastructure and higher management need to take better initiative to get progress in this section Task and Functions Customer handling and understanding their queries are the basic function of front office department. Front office executives have a large range of responsibilities. Check-in; check out, room servicing, query sections for room, online and offline payment, room number allocation, providing a particular room for a particular client, cancellation of rooms, same room for same customers, cash handling all these are allocated responsibilities of front office management employees (Boella and Goss-Turner 2013). There are certain systems for special guests and executives take special care of those people. They bring in more money for the hotel so they expect some quality welcoming or precious client handling from hotel executives specifically from the front office department. Handling complaints is another important function that front office department has to take care of (Boella 2017). Customers complaint about rooms, places, extra charges, bathrooms, small spaces in their guest rooms and fo r other problems also. This problem situation can be mitigated by the effective steps that have been taken by the hotel management. A better experience can be drawn from the customers if management determines all those problems and work over that (Xie, Zhang and Zhang 2014). Payment process handling is another function of front office executives and all payment related issues like online and offline payment, of payment form credit and debit card and from net banking are handled by them (Cantallops and Salvi 2014). There are several sections in front office department and specific people are allocated for specific jobs. Cashier, telephone operator, software maintenance, night auditor, helpdesk and receptionist all these are segments of front office department and they are doing their own responsibility as well. Role of customer and customer needs related to front office department Customers are also addressing some roles in a hotel. In case of accommodation, they want some particular room or want to pay extra for any kind of special attention. Customers also interact with front office executive for their payment related issues. Sometimes they acquire some benefits like discounts, coupons and all these facilities are channelized by the front office department (Gmar, Moniche and Morales 2016). Customers demand good food; innovative systems in hotel, big space, good environment and privacy which the hotel executives and management of the hotel take care of. There are some aspects which provide a better experience for customers and hotel management takes care of these aspects so that key attraction towards the hotel continues. In this globalized scenario, connectivity is the prime need that customers want in their daily life. Connectivity in form of telephone connection, Wi-Fi maintenance, breakfast, parking space, complementary foods and additional benefits are wanted by a customer. Customers want good value of the place and need to evaluate the hotel that has the capability of accumulating enough people (Melin-Gonzlez and Bulchand-Gidumal 2016). Customers also want technological advancement in hotel and want applications like mobile check-in; internet money transfer, mobile check out, privacy maintenance technology and all these technologies are creating chances for better customers accumulation in hotel. Customers also want security from the management which is one of the prime need that hotel authority needs to implement. There are s ome security persons allocated for that particular hotel and these are responsible persons for providing customers safety and security. Role of Accommodation manager in creating positive experience There are different job roles for Accommodation managers and they have to do their duties in an efficient manner so that the particular hotel can get a competitive advantage in this business market. Ensuring customers safety and security is the prime responsibility of accommodation manager. Develop a positive relationship with all sectors of the hotel including the outsourcing staffs, stakeholders and Control over the finance and allocate money for each section of hotel (Mok, Sparks and Kadampully 2013). Communicate with reception service employees so that they will understand the depth of that job that they are doing. Supervise the cleaning staffs and monitoring them. Take some important meetings with all departments and state the importance of their work and how it influenced customer satisfaction. Get involved with the infrastructure management and determine the sections of changes that need to be done. Arrange repair and maintenance cases so that everything will be organized at the hotel (Molina-Azorn et al. 2015). Motivate employees for better work and providing an easy way of adaptability for innovative work process. These are possible things that enhance customers experience and bring in some positive changes at the hotel. Customer service skill is the prime skill of accommodation manager and all those sectors are monitored by the manager. Better facility management is expected by customers and this is fulfilled by the accommodation managers. Viability of Outsourcing Outsourcing is a contract provided by a third party company. The parental company allocates one or several companies to do some specific job to save some money and resource. In case of the hospitality industry, accommodation section is controlled by front office department. As the technology has grown up people wish to use technological tools for their hotel booking and room selection (Nieves and Segarra-Ciprs 2015). In that case, many outsourcing companies are helping those people by providing them a platform to book such rooms. These companies are considered as outsourcers. There are some packages provided by those companies for enhancing their business. Hotel management also gets relaxed by that process as they need not take that pressure to allocate room to their customers (Padilla-Melndez and Garrido-Moreno 2014). Customers have already booked rooms and they just come in hotel and deliver their proof in mobile or in any hard copy. There are some advantages and disadvantages of t his outsourcing process. Benefits The main advantage of outsourcing is a reduction of fixed costs. Hotel can hire any services or another company to do this work and the cost for this particular service is set by that company. Therefore, no fixed rate has been applied to that service (Riley 2014). Better quality of product deliverance is another benefit. This is increasingly updated by the management as the technology is getting innovative day by day. Technological use is the prime benefit that customers wish to experience and they book their rooms through a different portal. In most of the cases management is not allowed to reserve any room but through different platforms, customers can do that. Drawbacks Companies are not getting a ntrol over those third party companies. There are different situations when third-party companies are generating extra discount or book a room for theextra price. So basically people accumulation is the main motive of these platforms and that is the reason they have allocated such discounts and all (Shamim, Cang and Yu 2017). Every company has aim and objectives. Third party companies are not so aware of that and they have set their promotional strategies which sometimes oppose the values of the company. There are some lacks of authenticity persisting in those platforms. People do not always believe such things and prefer to book in an authentic Third party employees are not always capable to hold the prestige and value of the parental hotel and for that reason, there are certain misconceptions arising in customers mind. Recommendation Front office department of a hotel needs to implement some strategic changes and has to include some innovative procedures for better outcome. There are some special clients who occasionally come at hotel and they invest whole lot of money. A special care is needed for them and that is also recommendation. Most of the hotels are not capable enough to implement innovative process due to the fear of non adaptability of their employees. But the processes need to be implemented so that customers satisfaction gets maintained by the hotel management and employees of that hotel need to adopt all those changes for maintaining sustainability in this competitive business market. Conclusion Hence, from above findings, it can be concluded that accommodation management is important for hotel establishment. Accommodation managers need strong communication, leadership and organizational skills and problems solving attitude within them. Customers are important factors for hotels as they want better infrastructure and service from hospitality sector which improves the market position of the hotel and give that a boost for bringing in ore customers with them. In this proposal, all aspect of accommodation issues and planning has been discussed to gain better customer experience from hotels. References Ahmad, R. and Scott, N., 2014. Managing the front office department: Staffing issues in Malaysian hotels.Anatolia,25(1), pp.24-38. Al-Refaie, A., 2015. Effects of human resource management on hotel performance using structural equation modeling.Computers in Human Behavior,43, pp.293-303. Benavides-Velasco, C.A., Quintana-Garca, C. and Marchante-Lara, M., 2014. Total quality management, corporate social responsibility and performance in the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,41, pp.77-87. Boella, M. and Goss-Turner, S., 2013.Human resource management in the hospitality industry: A guide to best practice. Routledge. Boella, M.J., 2017.Human resource management in the hotel and catering industry. Taylor Francis. Cantallops, A.S. and Salvi, F., 2014. New consumer behavior: A review of research on eWOM and hotels.International Journal of Hospitality Management,36, pp.41-51. Gmar, G., Moniche, L. and Morales, A.J., 2016. Survival analysis of the Spanish hotel industry.Tourism Management,54, pp.428-438. Melin-Gonzlez, S. and Bulchand-Gidumal, J., 2016. A model that connects information technology and hotel performance.Tourism Management,53, pp.30-37. Mok, C., Sparks, B. and Kadampully, J., 2013.Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure. Routledge. Molina-Azorn, J.F., Tar, J.J., Pereira-Moliner, J., Lpez-Gamero, M.D. and Pertusa-Ortega, E.M., 2015. The effects of quality and environmental management on competitive advantage: A mixed methods study in the hotel industry.Tourism Management,50, pp.41-54. Nieves, J. and Segarra-Ciprs, M., 2015. Management innovation in the hotel industry.Tourism Management,46, pp.51-58. Padilla-Melndez, A. and Garrido-Moreno, A., 2014. Customer relationship management in hotels: examining critical success factors.Current Issues in Tourism,17(5), pp.387-396. Riley, M., 2014.Human resource management in the hospitality and tourism industry. Routledge. Shamim, S., Cang, S. and Yu, H., 2017. Supervisory orientation, employee goal orientation, and knowledge management among front line hotel employees.International Journal of Hospitality Management,62, pp.21-32. Xie, K.L., Zhang, Z. and Zhang, Z., 2014. The business value of online consumer reviews and management response to hotel performance.International Journal of Hospitality Management,43, pp.1-12.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Jane Austen Background Of Her Novels Essays - Jane Austen
Jane Austen: Background of Her Novels First published in 1813, Pride and Prejudice has consistently been Jane Austen's most popular novel. It portrays life in the genteel rural society of the day, and tells of the initial misunderstandings and later mutual enlightenment between Elizabeth Bennet (whose liveliness and quick wit have often attracted readers) and the haughty Darcy. The title Pride and Prejudice refers (among other things) to the ways in which Elizabeth and Darcy first view each other. The original version of the novel was written in 1796-1797 under the title First Impressions, and was probably in the form of an exchange of letters. Jane Austen's own tongue-in-cheek opinion of her work, in a letter to her sister Cassandra immediately after its publication, was: "Upon the whole... I am well satisfied enough. The work is rather too light, and bright, and sparkling; it wants [i.e. needs] shade; it wants to be stretched out here and there with a long chapter of sense, if it could be had; if not, of solemn specious nonsense, about something unconnected with the story: an essay on writing, a critique on Walter Scott, or the history of Buonapart?, or anything that would form a contrast and bring the reader with increased delight to the playfulness and general epigrammatism of the general style". In 1809 Jane Austen, her mother, sister Cassandra, and Martha Lloyd moved to Chawton, near Alton and Winchester, where her brother Edward provided a small house on one of his estates. This was in Hampshire, not far from her childhood home of Steventon. Before leaving Southampton, she corresponded with the dilatory publisher to whom she had sold Susan (i.e. Northanger Abbey), but without receiving any satisfaction. She resumed her literary activities soon after returning into Hampshire, and revised Sense and Sensibility, which was accepted in late 1810 or early 1811 by a publisher, for publication at her own risk. It appeared anonymously ("By a Lady") in October 1811, and at first only her immediate family knew of her authorship: Fanny Knight's diary for September 28, 1811 records a "Letter from Aunt Cass. to beg we would not mention that Aunt Jane wrote Sense and Sensibility"; and one day in 1812 when Jane Austen and Cassandra and their niece Anna were in a "circulating library" at Alton, Anna threw down a copy of Sense and Sensibility on offer there, "exclaiming to the great amusement of her Aunts who stood by, "Oh that must be rubbish, I am sure from the title."" There were at least two fairly favorable reviews, and the first edition eventually turned a profit of ?140 for her. Encouraged by this success, Jane Austen turned to revising First Impressions, a.k.a. Pride and Prejudice. She sold it in November 1812, and her "own darling child" (as she called it in a letter) was published in late January 1813. She had already started work on Mansfield Park by 1812, and worked on it during 1813. It was during 1813 that knowledge of her authorship started to spread outside her family; as Jane Austen wrote in a letter of September 25th 1813: "Henry heard P. & P. warmly praised in Scotland, by Lady Robert Kerr -- & and what does he do in the warmth of his brotherly vanity and Love, but immediately tell them who wrote it!". Since she had sold the copyright of Pride and Prejudice outright for ?110 (presumably in order to receive a convenient payment up front, rather than having to wait for the profits on sales to trickle in), she did not receive anything more when a second edition was published later in 1813. A second edition of Sense and Sensibility was also published in October 1813. In May 1814, Mansfield Park appeared, and was sold out in six months; she had already started work on Emma. Her brother Henry, who then conveniently lived in London, often acted as Jane Austen's go- between with publishers, and on several occasions she stayed with him in London to revise proof-sheets. In October 1813, one of the Prince Regent's physicians was brought in to treat an illness that Henry was suffering from; it was through this connection that Jane Austen was brought into contact with Mr. Clarke. James Stanier Clarke was the Prince Regent's librarian, and transmitted to her the Prince's request that she dedicate her next work (Emma) to him, an honour that Jane Austen would probably rather have done without (see her letter on the infidelities of the Prince and his wife). Some of Mr. Clarke's "helpful" suggestions showed up in the Plan for a Novel. [More complete versions of these letters, as
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