Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Pros and Cons of Three Types of Online Communities-...
An online community is a network of people who come together and communicate online, usually because of a common interest or goal. There are many different types of online communities. Some examples of online communities are: email distribution lists, message boards and newsgroups, instant message (IM) services, chat rooms, blogging sites, social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook, and online classrooms/school groups. I intend to discuss three of these types of online communities – chat rooms, social network sites, and online classrooms/school groups – and look into the pros and cons of using each of these. First, I will talk about internet chat rooms. A chat room is a site where users can talk live to other users. Users†¦show more content†¦There is no face to face with online chat rooms. Chat rooms enable people to act or say things in ways that they may not normally if they were face to face. This could also be a pro or a con, depending on the situation. One last con of chat rooms would be that, although you can talk to other people almost as if you were face to face instead of waiting for a response as you would have to with an email, you still have to wait for the other person to be online. If you want to chat with someone and they are not online, the chat room isn’t going to do you much good. Sometimes people will prearrange times to get online and chat with another person. This is one way to overcome this con. Next, I will discuss social networking sites. Some examples of social networking sites would be MySpace, Facebook,, and Twitter. Social networking can be a wonderful and fun way to keep in touch and communicate with your family, friends, and colleagues. They can save you time and effort. If you need to get in touch with someone, and you are both members of the same social networking site, you can quickly and easily send him/her a message on the site. Instead of having to make arrangements and plans to meet at a certain place, at a certain time, you can discuss things on the site. Social networking sites can also be a great place to get in touch with old friends or talk to people that you don’t often get to see. You canShow MoreRelatedSocial Research 2.0: Virtual Snowball Sampling Method9226 Words  | 37 PagesInternet Research Emerald Article: Social research 2.0: virtual snowball sampling method using Facebook Fabiola Baltar, Ignasi Brunet Article information: To cite this document: Fabiola Baltar, Ignasi Brunet, (2012),Social research 2.0: virtual snowball sampling method using Facebook, Internet Research, Vol. 22 Iss: 1 pp. 57 - 74 Permanent link to this document: Downloaded on: 11-05-2012 References: This document contains references to 48 other documentsRead MoreTechnology Essay11684 Words  | 47 PagesRelationships are being built online or through phones. Keyboards and keypads are becoming the keys to our heart. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Child Day Care - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 213 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2018/12/18 Category Society Essay Type Report Level High school Tags: Children Essay Student Essay Did you like this example? Child day care is an essential resource for parenting students. Quality and reliable daycare services allows students to further with their college education and graduate successfully. Excelling in education enables the students to acquire a quality economic life in which they can provide for their children, community, families and contribute to the development of the nations economy. The anticipated child daycare center will be constructed at Baker College of Allen Park, building B room 107. The daycare will provide care for students toddlers and children that attend Bakers College. The establishment, construction, and operation of the daycare will require much capital and thus eligible for substantial funding. Therefore, various funding sources can help maneuver the challenge. Federal financing sources Child Care and Development Funds that constitute the primary national program that deals with children care services and quality. Child and Adult Care Food Programs that is managed by United States Department of agriculture. USDA Special Milk Program- it will cater for toddlers milk costs Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Individuals with Disability Education Act Grants Perkins Grants finances academic support operations State financing sources Michigans Targeted State Higher Education Funding for Campus Prekindergarten funding State Child Care Funding Child and Dependent Care Tax Credits Other financial sources Baker College financial support Donations from charities Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Child Day Care" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Biological Importance of Water Free Essays
The Biological Importance of Water for Living Organisms Water is made up of two elements, 2 positively charged hydrogen molecules and one negatively charged oxygen molecule. Water molecules have uneven charge distribution as one end of the molecule is slightly positive and the other slightly negative, this is called polar. Ionic substances such as sodium chloride dissolve easily in water because the positively and negatively charged ions are separated due to the dipole nature of water. We will write a custom essay sample on The Biological Importance of Water or any similar topic only for you Order Now As water is dipolar, the positively charged atoms of one water molecule attracted the negatively charged molecule of another water molecule. This is called hydrogen bonding. The hydrogen bonding between each molecule results in water being liquid at room temperature as it takes a lot of energy to turn it into gas due to its high heat capacity. Hydrogen bonding makes water extremely cohesive. Cohesion is the attraction between molecules of the same type (e. g two water molecules). Water is very cohesive due to the dipolar nature of the molecule. Cohesion helps the water to flow which is important in its transportation and enables substances to be easily dissolved and transported. Waters dipole nature also makes it a good solvent. A lot of substances which take part in biological reactions are ionic, which means they are either made of one positively charged atom or molecule, or one negatively charged atom or molecule. As water is dipole, it means that the positively charged hydrogens will be attracted to the negative atoms or molecules, and the negatively charged oxygen will be attracted to the positively charged atoms or molecules, resulting in ions being totally surrounded by water molecules. In other words, the atoms or molecules will be dissolved by the water. Water is important to living organisms because its molecules can move freely enabling chemical reactions to occur easily in solution. For example, seminal fluid is mostly water which enables fertilisation to occur easily and allows sperm to swim towards the egg. Hydrophilic substances (water loving substances) such as glucose and amino acids dissolve easily due to the nature of their polarity of their charged groups (-OH for sugars, -NH? and COOH for amino acids). As hydrophilic ubstances such as glucose can dissolve in water, it is beneficial for plants as they take up minerals and substances in solution. Furthermore, oxygen is a component of water which also allows organisms to respire in water. Blood Plasma is the main component of blood. Plasma is made of 90% water which enables blood to carry its essential nutrients such as glucose and amino acids as well as respiratory gasses. As respiratory gasses are able to travel through blood plasma, it allows essential processes to take place such as respiration. The plasma also carries other materials such as platelets which allow clotting, this is helped to be transported by the plasmas composition of 90% water. Waters high specific heat capacity allows it act as a buffer. This is essential in endothermic organisms that need to maintain a constant body temperature in order to optimise enzyme activity and regulate its metabolism. The large number of hydrogen bonding makes it difficult for the water molecules to evaporate. When water molecules do evaporate, an exothermic reaction takes place which acts as a cooling mechanism. Water is able to remain a liquid over a large span of temperatures which is essential for metabolism and aquatic organisms. It is beneficial for aquatic organisms who are cold blooded as some may not be able to control their body temperature. It is beneficial as there is a minimal temperature fluctuation which keeps organisms body temperature constant. Keeping a constant temperature is important. In order for living organisms such as enzymes to keep functioning at their best, water needs to be kept a constant temperature to keep the enzymes working at their optimum temperature and stop them from denaturing. Furthermore, water also provides internal support for many living organisms. For example, water fills up in the cells of plants to stop them going flaccid as apposed to their turgid structure. Keeping the cells turgid keeps the plant upright which also benefits the plant when it comes to catching as much light as possible when photosynthesising. Water can also be taken in through the xylem of a plant in a continuous column which is also a benefit for photosynthesis. In addition to that, water also provides internal support for mammals whose fetuses are surrounded in amniotic fluid. This will not only provide protection for the fetus but also allow minerals to pass in and out of the fluid via osmosis. As well as internal support, water also provides external support. Water has a high surface tension which allows some organisms to stay afloat. An example of an organism which uses this to its advantage is a pond skater. They use the high surface tension to walk/glide along the waters surface, as there is a high tension, it prevents it from sinking. Furthermore, a high surface tension allows ice caps to stay afloat which provides insulation for aquatic organisms underneath. Another reason for why ice caps stay afloat is that water is less dense when frozen. This means that the ice caps do not fall through into the water as it is less dense so it remains on the waters surface. Water is also essential for many chemical reactions such as photosynthesis and hydrolysis. In photosynthesis, water is transparent which allows light to penetrate through to the chlorophyll to absorb as much sunlight as it can. It also allows water to absorbed up the xylem in a constant column which also aids photosynthesis. During hydrolysis, water breaks certain polymers which helps to break up salts when they are being dissolved. Water also provides lubrication to bones as it makes up synovial fluids in bone joints and the pleural fluid which surrounds the lungs. Lastly, water also has a significance in the food chain. Producers which are mainly made up of water such as lettuce and leaves are relied on to provide water for consumers. Water has a huge biological importance for all living organisms as it is the building blocks to each individual organism. Without water, there may not even be the life forms we see on this earth today. How to cite The Biological Importance of Water, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Business IT Alignment Business Consumer Satisfaction
Question: Describe about the Business IT Alignment for Business Consumer Satisfaction. Answer: Introduction: The study includes the information that an organization can analyse and use for making better stand at the market and consumer satisfaction. Through the use of the Porters 5 forces that is a significant tool for understanding and investigating the competitive advantage, the organizations can create their future strategies. Through the discussion of web2 and web 3 technologies it has been derived that by utilizing this technologies the organizations can facilitate the user-interaction in terms of interface. In addition to that, web 2 and 3 allows the organization to social integration that allows to connect with the consumer 24*7. Porters 5 Forces: Tool for Analyzing Competitive Environment: Analysts all over the globe consider Porter's five forces as an extreme useful tool that is utilized for investigating the competition within business strategy development and industry. Advantages and Disadvantages: The advantages of the Porter's five forces are as following. The tool is simple to use and effective enough to support finding if any power lies within business situation (Porter 1979). Assists organization to gain better competitive position. The disadvantages of the Porter's five forces are as following. It ignores particular factors that are associated with the firm. The external factors are put on emphasis (Porter and Heppelmann 2014). Does not consider institutional issue as an inflectional force rather considers it as only a factor. It cannot assist if any revolutionary alteration occurs in the industry. Multi-industry conglomerates cannot be described or analyzed (Lee et al. 2012). Analysis: The five forces of the Porter's five forces are such as supplier power, buyer power, competitive rivalry, threat of substitution, threat of new entry. Figure 1: The Porter's five forces (Source: Porter 1979) Suppose someone is trying to buy a farm. If Porter's five forces are used then the following can be derived. Supplier power: The uniqueness of the product can affect the suppliers mentality to raise the price. If a product is very crucial for conducting the business it is supplied by one or two suppliers then the supplier can have control over the origination (Porter 1979). Threat of new entry: If the organization can profit from the business extensively then more organizations will be coming into the same industry. Competitive rivalry: Severe competition puts tough downward pressure on costs. The threat of substitution: Whether the product can be extensively used in the local area (Porter and Heppelmann 2014). Buyer power: The buyer power is strong is the competition becomes strong. Pressure on lessening the prices can occur (Lee et al. 2012). Strategic Alignment: IT-business alignment is the communication between the information technology and the business objectives of an organization. For gaining significant success, the organizations make use of these two factors and maintain it over time. The Objective of IT-Business Alignment: At present various organizations are making use of the information technology for attaining various advantages in the future. The advantages are such as reduced costs, enhanced productivity, developing fresh business strategies, sustaining repeatable service levels and many more (Luftman 2003). The role that has been reserved for information technology is specifically subservient in terms of business planning. The strategic divergences ae considered as the counter productive and extremely frustrating. This divergence results into complex IT infrastructure. Because of the complex infrastructure, sustaining and modifying the overlying business operations gets difficult. The prime purpose of the IT-business alignment is to assist the organizations to focus on business focus IT strategy approach rather than conventional retro-fitting business functionality. Improving the IT-Business Alignment: In this context, three strategies has been introduced for enhancing the IT-business alignment. Employing business relationship manager: Various organizations are considering to establish business facing roles that are responsible for developing and maintaining relationship between business and Information Technology (Luftman 2003). Changing vocabulary: All the organizations must utilize the business of reference and focus more on the business objectives rather than investing extensively in the information technology. Establishing governance activity: Through the implementation of the governance activity, the organizations can get great assistance in terms of decision making and investing (Grembergen 2000). The Advantages of Data Management: The benefits of the data management are as following. Allow establishing control: through the implementation of the control over its data, an organization can provide authorization to access its data as per its criteria and business rules (Farber et al. 2012). In addition to that, the organization can also determine that which users can carry out what kind of activities. Data map: The data map should not be considered as a one-time exercise. The data map assists in keeping the organizations data updated (Pitoura and Samaras 2012). This facilitates updating the database. Segmenting data: Through the use of the data mapping process sectioning the data will be simple and effective (Farber et al. 2012). Regular data hygiene activity: Decaying the data will be faster. The data mapping will assist the system to send accurate information to the right person (Pitoura and Samaras 2012). Significant of Adopting Web2 and Web 3 Technologies: Web 2.0: Social networking: Through the social networking, the furthermost migration of people into the virtual world has been possible. Because of this technology, the people are not only able to interact in the virtual world but also able to communicate overseas (Venkatesh, Croteau and Rabah 2014). Video sharing: The video are the most complex element among all thee multimedia. Through sharing the video of it and its product the organization can do promotion in a completely new way (Berthon et al. 2012). Web services and smashups: It utilizes and enables open flows of information from one online platform to another and one online service to another (Venkatesh, Croteau and Rabah 2014). Cloud computing: The cloud computing allows the organization to allow its employees to access the system from remote location (Berthon et al. 2012). Web 3.0: The most significant contribution of the Web 3.0 to the technology is that it allows accessing data from anywhere. The approach was driven the extensive use of the cloud applications and smart phones (Garrigos et al. 2012). Web 3.0 makes sure that a user can access as much data as required from anywhere. Threats that Generate from Dynamic and Complex Technology: One threat that is associated with the advance technology is that the employees get to lose their jobs to the machines as the machines are considered as more accurate than human (Tassey 2014). This is a serious threat to the society as the whole economical structure of the world will be changed. Another threat that the complex and dynamic technology poses that the vulnerability of the technology allows many attackers to gain the sensitive data of the organization. If the services of an organization are customer centric then most priority should be given to secure the information of the user (Bogard, Liu and Chiang 2013). Instead of so much security, the attacker gains access to the consumer data such as account related information. Conclusion: From the above study, it can be concluded that the organization irrespective of its industry can make use of the information technology for enhancing the business objectives and profit. The business-IT alignment is a very good approach for making the business grows in an rapid pace. Instead of having so much significance, the IT-business alignment can make the business vulnerable. Though many benefits and are drawbacks can be stated in the context of complex and dynamic technology, the use of more complex technology will assist in facilitating the daily lives of the people. References: Berthon, P.R., Pitt, L.F., Plangger, K. and Shapiro, D., 2012. Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy.Business horizons,55(3), pp.261-271. Bogard, T., Liu, M. and Chiang, Y.H.V., 2013. Thresholds of knowledge development in complex problem solving: A multiple-case study of advanced learners cognitive processes.Educational Technology Research and Development,61(3), pp.465-503. Farber, F., Cha, S.K., Primsch, J., Bornhovd, C., Sigg, S. and Lehner, W., 2012. SAP HANA database: data management for modern business applications.ACM Sigmod Record,40(4), pp.45-51. Garrigos-Simon, F.J., Lapiedra Alcam, R. and Barber Ribera, T., 2012. Social networks and Web 3.0: their impact on the management and marketing of organizations.Management Decision,50(10), pp.1880-1890. Lee, H., Kim, M.S. and Park, Y., 2012. An analytic network process approach to operationalization of five forces model.Applied Mathematical Modelling,36(4), pp.1783-1795. Luftman, J., 2003. Assessing IT/business alignment.Information Systems Management,20(4), pp.9-15. Pitoura, E. and Samaras, G., 2012.Data management for mobile computing(Vol. 10). Springer Science Business Media. Porter, M.E. and Heppelmann, J.E., 2014. How smart, connected products are transforming competition.Harvard Business Review,92(11), pp.64-88. Tassey, G., 2014. Competing in advanced manufacturing: The need for improved growth models and policies.The Journal of Economic Perspectives,28(1), pp.27-48. Van Grembergen, W., 2000. The balanced scorecard and IT governance. InIRMA Conference(pp. 1123-1124). Venkatesh, V., Croteau, A.M. and Rabah, J., 2014. Perceptions of effectiveness of instructional uses of technology in higher education in an era of Web 2.0. In2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(pp. 110-119). IEEE.
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